
Post a brief description of the organization you selected. Describe specific characteristics of the organization’s culture.

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Supervising personnel is a major responsibility for human services administrators. Effective supervision can have a direct impact on the success of an organization. Every organization has a unique culture that can influence supervision of personnel. Organizational culture involves the values, principles, and standards that drive the collective behavior of an organization. Factors related to organizational culture may affect the strategies, models, and approaches a supervisor employs when supervising personnel. The link between organizational culture and supervision may affect matters such as employee satisfaction, motivation, and performance. Well-supervised employees are more likely to provide a high level of service to clients.

It is important for you as a potential human services administrator to understand the culture of organizations with which you are associated as well as the factors related to the organizational culture. For this Discussion, select an organization with which you are associated or one with which you are familiar. Review Chapter 9 of the Graphic Novel and think about the cultural considerations that Kerry would need to make as an administrator.

By Day 4

Post a brief description of the organization you selected. Describe specific characteristics of the organization’s culture. Then, based on the organization’s culture, explain factors that might influence how a human services administrator supervises personnel and volunteers to meet the needs of the population it serves.

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